Lorilyn Bleckmann
Lorilyn is a trained wellbeing coach, who after teaching for more than 20 years at tsfhe college level and experiencing the power of motivation and engagement in others' lives, was searching for a way to move forward herself and help in an even bigger way.
I designed Lorilyn's website after crafting her brand and moodboard, which focuses on openness and honesty. We wanted the website to be refined, yet relatable and approachable.
"Wow...this is great; I've just taken a look at the Brand Strategy of ME that you've taken the time to make and send. I feel like you've really captured my message and the essence that I am (or at least aspire to be!). Thank you so much, I really appreciate this. You obviously have a great eye and skill for conveying a message. Your photographer self is showing here!"
- Lorilyn Bleckmann, NBC-HWC, A-CFHC